Polityka lokalna

Application for annulment of the decision Min. Agriculture restoration of land game  in Gietrzwałd for Lidl
There is support for the overhaul of region  and municipal roads
COMANCZA COMMUNE. A historical  moment! Medals for the meritorious (VIDEO)
Gmina Mosina szuka porozumienia w sprawie utrzymania Kanału Mosińskiego
Dance and sword, or time to settle old sins
Bialystok. Krzysztof Bosak leader of the Podlasie Confederation electoral list to the Sejm
Szczucin on the way   RDN. What is this town in Powiśle celebrated  for? [PHOTOS]
Bonds to rescue Kielce finances again
Grażyna and Zdzisław Plosscy together for 51 years
The road connecting the communes of Żabno and Lisia Góra will be renovated
Ministry of Digitization will support local governments in cybersecurity
NEW TOMYŚL: Action to support the construction of a teed tower with more and more support! You can inactive  sign [BACK TO TOPIC]
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on fresh  funds for investment for local governments: simple procedures, fair mechanisms, money for everyone
Another 19 monuments in Opole with backing  for renovations
Joy with a fresh  gazebo. There will be more specified  investments in the municipality [video, photos]
HellermannTyton after expansion
First gathering  of the Ropczyce Council of Seniors
They search  missing funds to save monument
The manor home  in Ruszczy will again be bustling with life
Municipality of Mosina receives backing  for monuments, including spiritual  objects
“Let's segregate waste “in the city” — the mayor encourages
In Ponidziu, the voivode promoted the thought  of the 800 plus Programme
What can not be governed by the municipal charter?
In Lipa they have a beautiful fresh  playground! [photos]
Citizens Platform wants to keep an eye on elections
Kielce temple regains its erstwhile  splendor
Janusz Kurtyka has his square in Tarnów [PHOTOS]
Prom at the King
KO MPs advance  'I'm guarding elections' action
Undermelting in the commune of Wojnicz. We have the mayor's response
Kielce Industrial Park will give a boost to the city's development
Regions for civic and self-governing Rzeczpospolita
RADIO OLSZTYN. The 25th staging of the conflict  took place at the Grunwald Fields
Pierzchnica Festival with many attractions
Industrial park is an chance  for the improvement  of the capital of Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship
Politicians at 800-plus picnic: investment in the household  is an investment in the future of Poland
Lipka – Święto Wsi Krajeńskiej
Kayaking by Kopowianka
Świętokrzyskie Forum for improvement  — gathering  of entrepreneurs, local governments and scientists
3 years in prison for a 21-year-old for attempted robery. lawyer  General to request termination of sentence
Association Together for Gietrzwałd: The petition, on the basis of Article 2 of the Act of 11 July 2014 on Petitions (J.t. 2018, item 870), acting in the public interest, we request  supervisory action
Residents of the region got to know its multiculturalism
Działoszyn: Marshal Schreiber met with the Soltys. It was about realized plans and dreams for the future. Finally, a request for intervention
Jędrzejowskie “pearls” will be restored
Kielce Industrial Park will be an impetus for the improvement  of the provincial capital
NEW TOMYŚL: The run  to support the initiative to build brine tetters at Zbąszyńska Street is underway! Appeal of Councillor Tomasz Tomaszewicz
NEW TOMYŚL: Action in support of the initiative to build brine tegs at Zbąszyńska Street! Appeal of Councillor Tomasz Tomaszewicz
Neo-Gothic chapel in Moravica will regain its erstwhile  splendor
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