Polityka lokalna

What does the end of Agrounion teach us?
New Left presented candidates for the Sejm and Senate
The fresh  retention tank in Kiekrza is already starting to collect water
Will a waste treatment point be built in the city centre? Protest of residents of Zagreb Street in Radomsko [PHOTO]
Deputy Minister Anna Krupka on privatization and national security
Already in September, seniors will get their 14th pension — it's PLN 2,200 on hand
First road repairs contracts signed
Employees returned to the park. Will they make it on time?
Opening of roads in Żabin and Kierzki
Krasocin will change beyond recognition
The left uncovers the cards. We met the leaders of Wielkopolska lists
The villages competed. Best Skokum
“Ulms. Blessed Family” — an extraordinary film, not only about the characters from Markowa
Holiday activities in the Lubartów Cultural Center
Krzysztof July: thousands of people will make certain  elections are democratic
The Left collected signatures in Gowarczów [video, photos]
Dashboards at monuments in Wąchock
Conversations about Poland with Rafał Gresi from the Confederation
Senate debate in Opole. “Rudeness and vulgarity cannot be rewarded”
Citizens Coalition has started collecting signatures of support
New walkway connected Lower and advanced   Bączal
Construction of the investigation  and improvement  Center is underway
Bloody scenes in the territory  Starostwa in Biłgoraj!
They made entry and are clearing the road. A resident of Byczyny fights with Jaworznick officials
Fairytale Porcelain Market
Nonpartisan Local Governors Have Their Questions for the Referendum
Who destroys the ballot paper is punishable — informs the president  of the National Electoral Commission
We check the property message  of authority. How much and where did president   Tychy earn? How many of his deputy?
Bodzentyn commune harvest festival. Farmers and guests celebrate
Kosiniak-Kamysz: "For the first time we stand with our heads held high"
Bodzentyńska Street is changing beyond recognition
Opole local government officials play and sing, due to the fact that no man lives by power alone
There will be no eco-bars in Jaworzno. Irrational arguments of officials — says Przemysław Kawka
Sierpecki Taste Culinary Competition
103rd Anniversary of the conflict  of Cyców
The most crucial  words of Jarosław Kaczynski in Zawichosta
Szczęście daje dobre zdrowie
21st Podlasie Bread Festival in Ciechanowiec
Swietokrzyskie parliamentarians on Jaroslaw Kaczynski's visit to Zawichost
The alley of PiS millionaires stood in Rzeszów. There's Kaczynski, Obajtek and Rydzyk [PHOTOS]
Kosiniak-Kamysz in Kielce about Witus and the elections
Polska w tym roku zwiększyła swoją powierzchnię o ponad 121 000 hektarów. Co zaanektowaliśmy?
Changes in the law: for a photograph  now you can end up behind bars or pay a fine
Silesia squad  celebrated 30th anniversary of artistic activity
Barbarians and Romans in Nowa Słupia. Dumbings started
Tomasz Piątek in Opole: Jarosław Kaczynski despises his own voters
Świdnickie Society of Social Construction is preparing for further investments. Where will the fresh  apartments be built?
Mieszkańcy gminy Izbicko mają już swój PSZOK
Millionaires from PiS close  Wawel. circumstantial  amounts have been paid [photos]
Czy popierasz wyprzedaż państwowych przedsiębiorstw? – to pierwsze pytanie referendalne. Kaczyński wydał oświadczenie