
Artificial Intelligence is simply a compulsory subject in primary schools
Dugin: The concept of abroad  policy as the apotheosis of multipolarity and the catechism of sovereignty
Ogień, gaz łzawiący, zamieszki. Ta wygląda Francja po poniedziałkowym orędziu Macrona. ZDJĘCIA
Increase in U.S. arms sales in Europe
Prigozhyn: no layouts, just a fair fight
“Magyar Nemzet”: Hands off since 1956!
Semeniuk-Patkowska: Tusk is eliminated by his competitors from PO
Mission of the “Wagnerian”
ONLY HERE. Saryusz-Wolski: The spokeswoman of the EC hits the head
Rise Prago cast off the shackles! — Czechs against the war
You will get to know Tusk by the “fruits” and the net from Biedronka...
Leaky U.S. defence  and Intelligence Archives
Dmowski in the eyes of Korwin-Milewski
Weekly press, an overview of events by Tamara Olszewska (10-16 April 2023)
Russia's elite won't forgive Putin for losing war
Minimum wage in Shanghai: 1616 PLN
Polish civilization against the background of cultural turmoils