
Izraelczycy gotowi na rozejm tylko pod warunkiem „swobody” ruchów w Libanie
The "patriotic benches" cost 100 1000  zlotys each. It is known what happened to them
Will the 800 plus benefit be halved? ZUS has announced which parents will receive only 400 plus
A large increase in the number of divorces in Poland
Czarnecki hung his election posters without permission. Bailiff's intervention
Alina Adamowicz i Ewa Aplas o przeciwdziałaniu przemocy wobec kobiet
Bodnar: No more discretion in the operation of the Justice Fund
Mejza zrzeknie się immunitetu. Mówi o "stalinowskich zarzutach"
A immense  decline in construction and assembly production
Gembicka chce zbadania Kołodziejczaka na obecność narkotyków
Wielkie zmiany w sądownictwie. Bodnar przedstawił "10 filarów"
The next gathering  at Nowogrodzka Street. In PiS, everyone is waiting for Kaczyński's decision
Świrski punished TVN for its study  about Rydzyk. He accused discrimination against believers
Accounts of Kamala Harris' campaign. "Disaster for 1 billion dollars"
Member of the National Broadcasting Council: "7:30 p.m." is much better than PiS's "Wiadomości", but there are inactive  besides   many government politicians
Jake Paul dostał propozycję walki. Jego przeciwnikiem byłby IShowSpeed
90-year-old Fr. Adam Boniecki suggests abolishing celibacy
The question about the origin of Sikorski's wife should never be asked