500+ 2023 is launched. The author of the task believes that parents should get more

dadhero.pl 2 years ago
Zdjęcie: Program Rodzina 500 plus obowiązuje od 1 kwietnia 2016 roku NaTemat

In a minute we will be able to submit a fresh application for 500 plus. If we do not supply papers on time, we may lose the benefit or liquidity of payments. The 500 plus program celebrates its seventh birthday this year. Each month, the benefit covers nearly 7 million children. Since the beginning of the project, over PLN 220 billion has been transferred to families. Recruitment begins - only online We would like to remind you that the recruitment of applications for the next settlement period of the 500 plus benefit starts on February 1, 2023. The money will be paid from June 1, 2023 to May 30, 2024. The date of submitting the papers is very crucial in this case and will affect erstwhile we will be granted cash. from 1 February to 30 April 2023 - ZUS will consider the application and pay the benefit - until 30 June 2023, from 1 to 31 May 2023 - ZUS will consider the application and pay the benefit with compensation for June - until 31 July 2023 from 1 to 30 June 2023 - ZUS will consider the application and pay the benefit with compensation for June - until 31 August 2023, from 1 to 31 July 2023 - ZUS will consider the application and pay the benefit with compensation only from July - until September 30, 2023, from August 1 to August 31, 2023 - ZUS will consider the application and pay the benefit, with compensation only from August - until October 31, 2023. It is besides crucial that in order to get the right to a childcare benefit for a fresh period starting On June 1, 2023, applications can be submitted to ZUS only via the net via 1 of the 3 services: PUE ZUS website Ministry of household website Emp@tia electronic banking 500, or possibly 1000 plus? The author of the 500 plus program - prof. Julian Auleytner - in a fresh conversation with Fakt, he stated that the benefit should be much higher - Inflation ate the purchasing power of the benefit and present - recreated from 2016 - it should be PLN 850. However, if a kid is treated as an investment in the future, by limiting another social expenses, this "Investment Allowance" can be positioned at PLN 1,000 "- Prof. Auletner told "Fakt". The regular counted that in January 2020 the real value of 500 plus fell to 457, PLN 1. The increase in prices in later years meant that in January 2022 its amount corresponded to PLN 407.28 In December 2022 it was only PLN 355.61 - the benefit should be increased by this value to keep its real value at the level from April 2016, erstwhile it entered into force. Benefit only for working people In an interview for Fakt, Prof. Julian Auleytner besides emphasized that 500 plus should not be dependent on income. a working parent, regardless of how much he earns. In this way, those who do not pay taxes would have an incentive to execute income-generating work. and not motivating - adds the originator of the benefit.

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