They cover their hair, pray regularly, don't date. "Without any 'buts' they accept the commandments of Islam"
Zdjęcie: Dla moich bohaterek ważne jest być wzorowymi muzułmankami. One chcą wypełniać nakazy Koranu na 110 procent - mówi Danuta Awolusi, autorka książki 'Wybrałam Allaha' o polskich konwertytkach na islam. (
- No 1 is saying that Catholic Seweryn S. murdered 5 women. Or that Vladimir Putin, of Orthodox faith, is accused of war crimes. In the case of Muslims, this is always emphasized. And yet, the fact that a Muslim is simply a bad individual does not mean that the religion is completely bad - says Danuta Awolusi, author of the book "I Chose Allah. Polish Women Who Converted to Islam".