Pensioners are supposedly winning with ZUS, but they are losing quite a few money in the process. civilian courts will replace the Constitutional Tribunal. But in reality they cannot 5 hours ago
Zdjęcie: Emeryci niby wygrywają z ZUS, ale tracą przed to dużo pieniędzy. Sądy cywilne chcą zastąpić Trybunał Konstytucyjny. Ale tak naprawdę nie mogą Shutterstock

What does it mean to replace? This means that the territory court issues a judgement in a dispute between ZUS and a pensioner, as if there was no Constitutional Tribunal. Why is this financially disadvantageous for pensioners? due to the fact that based on the Constitutional Tribunal's judgement of June 4, 2024 (about which there is an article), a pensioner can receive an increase of PLN 1,000 in the current pension (on average) and a compensation of PLN 60,000 - 64,000 (on average). If we accept the fiction that there is no Constitutional Tribunal's judgement of June 4, 2024, the amounts are lower.
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