Mentzen: erstwhile I become president, Germans and Ukrainians will adapt to Polish law 3 hours ago
Zdjęcie: Ząbkowice Śląskie, 15.03.2025. Wybory Prezydenta RP 2025 - kampania. Kandydat Konfederacji w wyborach na prezydenta RP Sławomir Mentzen podczas spotkania z wyborcami / PAP / Krzysztof Ćwik

"I will not sign any law raising taxes and I will make pensions exempt from income tax," declared Sławomir Mentzen, the Confederation's candidate for president, in Ząbkowice Śląskie on Saturday. He besides stressed that if he becomes president, "Germans and Ukrainians will adapt to Polish law, Polish interests, Polish culture and Polish language."
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