II Wojna Światowa

Friday media review; Uncertain destiny  of Ukraine's most crucial  minister; 84th anniversary of the outbreak of planet  War II.
Advantages of Polish: Kórnik – celebrated  library, arboretum and castle
How should you not turn to a Polish soldier? Anecdotes about the 2nd Polish Corps
China: Second price war between automakers?
Jacek Bartosiak i Albert Świdziński o sukcesie amerykańskiej strategii sekwencjonowania w ramach skalowalnej wojny światowej (Wideo)
Inaugural exhibition “1000 Years of Glory of the Polish Arms
Beautiful relationship... of the Commonwealth with the cross
Krystian Kratiuk: Poland. Attacked for centuries for... faith
Taliban's massively successful eradication of opium raises questions about what the US has been doing all along
Tensions between China and the Philippines. It's about a WWII ship
Super glue, powertape and nylon stockings — what another  inventions did the war give us?
Opening of the fresh  office  of the Polish Army Museum - 13 August
A fresh  book about the Ulmas is on sale now. We review as 1  of the first!
China towards the Korean Peninsula: Politics, Economics, Military [ANALYSIS]
"Globaliści szaleją, próbując stłumić te 14 potężnych, ponadczasowych prawd, które mogą cię uwolnić"
"PRZYPADEK? Nowo nabyty budynek Planned Parenthood wygląda jak aztecka piramida ofiar z dzieci dla "krwiożerczego" satanistycznego bóstwa Tlaloque"
Germans shot in the back of the neck... Memories of a Warsaw girl who survived the slaughter of Wola
Luftwaffe "jumps" on Iceland
Benjamín Labatut: Terrible green
Zbigniew Daab: I'm talking to you and I hear this girl screaming. I see pieces of hair glued to the balls
Prof. Żukowski: Half of Poles do not believe what we say about the war. I was silent for many years
100 Poles for 1 German. So many died during the Warsaw Uprising: Prof.Rafał Wnuk -didaskalia #21
Warszawa ’44. Za duży blask. O „Kinderszenen” Jarosława Marka Rymkiewicza
Submachine weapon  "Blyskawica". Conspiratorial "sprayer" of the Home Army
Wehrmacht brothels. Sexual slavery for the army of the 3rd  Reich
"Lies C.... are needed to sustain the medical gold rush."
Commentary of the Ministry of National Defence
Statement of the Polish Army Museum
Jerzy Wolak: Whoever sows Darwinism, reaps Volhynia
Advantages of Polish: Royal Tykocin
Silk. Does anyone else care about a reliable explanation of the crimes against Jews?
Employee files as a origin  for a genealogist
Wanda Półtawska: Killing a kid  worsens the mother's intellectual  state
500 days of war in Ukraine. Mileage and statistics
Combat alarm on ORP "Dzik"! The first war success of a Polish submarine in the memories of its commander
German refuelling aircraft flown
Polish Army Museum - fresh  headquarters
"Rządząca w Niemczech partia SPD gotowa do rozmów z Polską o reparacjach z II wojny światowej"
Some were treated as soldiers of the defeated Axis powers. Post-war destiny  of elder  commanders of the Polish Army
First German KC-130J Super Hercules flown
"Czy WHO jest terrorystycznym skrzydłem ONZ?"(video)
We invitation  you to the material entitled "Preparation for the beginning  of the fresh  headquarters"
We invitation  you to the material entitled "Conservation and transfer of exhibits"
We invitation  you to the material entitled "Presentation of the MWP collection"
We invitation  you to the material entitled "Finissage of the Polish Army Museum"
Opening soon!
David de Jong: Nazi billionaires