World politics

Anti-war debate on militarization
[Wandering Forecast]. Sovereign triumphs in Turkey
Whoever gives and receives is... waiting for the Ruthenian atomic bomb
The European Commission approves the acquisition of Activision by Microsoft. But this is not the end of the matter
Chris Miller: The large  War for Chips
Von Hoffmeister: Kaliningrad's disputed legacy
Handle: Life after COVID-19 — prospects for planet  security
Zinkiewicz: Putin is making us into a balloon...
Memory of Eve's dots about 500 +...
Western fox or Ukrainian hedgehog? Who Win the conflict  of Narratives
Jacob berman secret speech
Zełeński's journey of despair
Turcja: Erdogan czy Kılıçdaroğlu? Będzie druga tura
Performance V in the Saxon Garden. Remembrance of the dead at the border [PHOTOS]
A balloon over Rypin. Belarus and Russia: we are trolling Poland
Łukasz Warzecha: Wielkie kłamstwo zrównoważonego rozwoju
China: licence  plates for 55 1000  zlotys
Robert Kennedy Jr. on the war in Ukraine
Will Klaus Schwab solve Paul Gauguin's problems?
Mystery of the Ch-55 rocket
In tribute to the heroes of Rąblow
Polyomski: Politics after the large  Reset
NATO attack on the Chinese embassy on May 7, 1999 wasa US provocation
#CyberMagazyn: China goes to self-sufficiency. They make   AI despite sanctions
Lustration Madness Continued
Putin: We are arrogant  of the participants in the peculiar   military operation
Muscovites already know... how to win
Aggressive migrants attacked Border defender  officers!
W oczekiwaniu na przejęcie także ambasady rosyjskiej
Hand: Let's leave the American sector
Genocidium Atrox: bestiality in the name of the nation
Another week in the psychiatric
Second edition of Janusz Korczak Award. Meet the nominees! Final Gala on May 18
Chat control. Even EU lawyers say it's illegal
Flowers under the monument
Militarny sojusz polsko-amerykański
Seppuku of the Minister of Health?
Is Lavrov a Ribbentrop?
Miksa: Do I admit   May 8 as triumph  day?
The Pentagon announced a fresh  strategy. The US wants to escape Russia and China
Szlęzak: Poland waiting for blows
Ukrainian farmers better than Polish farmers? — why Poles lose out on imports from Ukraine
[Itinerant Forecast] Erdoğan may lose the election, but will the Turkish state respect   that result?
Jankowski: Burdy at the cemetery on triumph  Day
Wild, or Poland...
Daily review of my thoughts. May 8, 2023
Ben White: Israeli Apartheid. Beginner's Guide
Russia: what chances of technological sovereignty?