
Po ile rzepak w umowach terminowych ze zbioru 2023?
Ruszyły wypłaty dopłat do nawozów!
Czy zakaz wwozu ukraińskiego zboża będzie podtrzymany? W tym tygodniu zapadną decyzje
Ceny krajowego rzepaku według MRiRW, porównanie z Matif
Ceny cebuli na dziś. Czy rynek przez cały czas jest stabilny?
Kubota Demo Tour 2023 jedzie do Grójca
Rozwój Małych Gospodarstw: kolejna zmiana terminu naboru
Ceny kukurydzy 2023 poniżej kosztów produkcji? Aktualne stawki
Agrolotnictwo w Polsce
Płatność dla małych gospodarstw 2023. Ile oświadczeń złożono?
Prognozy na jesień i zimę. Kiedy spadnie pierwszy śnieg?
Zobacz unikatowe traktory z Festiwalu Starych Ciągników w Wilkowicach 2023 [ZDJĘCIA]
Przyczepa rolnicza w układzie tandem: wady i zalety
Ceny produktów mlecznych. Czy to się jeszcze opłaca?
There will be no changes in the rate of reimbursement of excise work  for fuel!
Carrot prices are flying down. And what predictions?
What happens to fertilizer prices? Sharp turmoil in the global market. And in Poland?
New line of preferential loans. Who can apply for a debt  with a surcharge?
Ecoschemes 2023 coal farming. Remember in September!
What prices for wheat 2023 in the first decade of September?
How much do cauliflowers cost? Are prices inactive  breaking records?
Grupa Azoty nitrogen plants halted fertiliser production
Will “Local Shelf” increase farmers' incomes?
Tractor registrations in August 2023. Top 10
Meetings from the series Pola Class S Maize 2023 Syngents have started!
Payments of subsidies to farmers. Dizzying amount on manufacturers' accounts
What in the cereal marketplace  2023? Prices under intense pressure!
Harvest Festival 2023: see the most interesting greetings and harvest decorations! [PHOTOS]
McHale circular  balers: Efficient and reliable machines
Did they extort millions of zlotys through ARiMR? An investigation is underway
Kubota Demo Tour 2023 goes to Jeziorki
Will the grain agreement be revived?
What is the price of rapeseed in 2023 at the beginning of September?
Current onion prices in Poland and the Netherlands. Will the onion become more expensive?
Energy for the countryside 2023. There will be more money for biogas plants!
Bank siege! Long queues for loans for farmers in 2023
Rye prices in purchasing markets: how much for consumption and how much for feed?
Increased budget in the "Moja Woda" program. Additional PLN 100 million in subsidies!
[Foto] Święto Plonów w Pułtusku: korowód z darami i Msza Św. dziękczynna
The current fuel price in Poland is 1  of the lowest in Europe
The recruitment of applications for support for groups and organizations of agricultural producers is starting
Current price of legume seeds
Kubota Demo Tour 2023 will start in the heart of Kashubia
Will the Russian task  increase fertilizer prices on the markets?
Price list of agricultural services August/September 2023
New Horsch machines are coming into play. study  from the shows in Landau, Germany
The global potato marketplace  is under pressure
Current wheat prices 2023 are the lowest in the quarter!
Europe has an appetite for Polish potatoes. The 1st National Potato Fair confirms this
Prices of micronutrient fertilizers for rapeseed and wheat