Polish politics

Who will Poland take is one?
Yes the government loot citizens!
Official figures: Millions of foreigners downloaded 500+. That number is growing!
Visa affair like horror receipts from the sea and cherries under 200 PLN per kilogram
First gathering  of the US legislature  with AI experts. What were they talking about?
What should a Catholic do in the face of the forthcoming Synod on Synodality?
Okręty kontra migranci. Wąsik: trzeba wzmocnić granicę europejską
Dr. Martyka: “Another effort  to origin  a panic epidemic! This time will we say a firm NO?”
Konfederaci: „Kobieta to część dobytku”
Pisowskie pikniki. Wydawanie pieniądzy bez opamiętania
“Nobody is in control of this! Your policy is compromise!”
After the convention in Wisła
Mentzen is back on Instagram!
September 17, WE REMEMBER!
They wanted immigrants more and faster. It ended in a visa affair
Unexpected seat swap
Marcin Bogdan: Programowe exposé Marszałka Senatu
Stacja PKP Warszawa Wschodnia z muralem Romana Dmowskiego
Help us turn their table!
Peowishcha a metre  and a half into the depths
Support the Confederacy!
Confederation — list number 5
Crowds in Poznań on Bosak and Mentzen LIVE! present  Szczecin
09/16/2023. Orlen Obajtka — an instrument of Kaczyński's nomenclature power.
The Confederation is Normal
The Confederation is the FUTURE!
September 23 large  Convention of the Confederation in Spodek. SIGN UP!
Ziobro: Grodzki should have the inscription “I am a bribe”
Message or agitation? Grodzki: “This is the biggest affair”
It is essential  to destruct   PIT, CIT, ZUS, VAT, TVP and PZPN — the fresh  Bosak & Mentzen already on YouTube
Confederacy won't let go of excess deaths
Afera wizowa czyli jak PiS niszczy Polską demografię
Seven people with allegations and NIK control. Visa Affair in the abroad  Ministry
P. Krzemiński: St. Thomas Aquinas vs. Synod on Synodality
Even millions of zlotys can be paid by the Polish payer  to medicines reimbursed for Ukrainians
Attention! present  Bosak and Mentzen in Poznań at PLAZA WOJNOWY
“The PiS government has one more time  emboldened our state”
Od życiowej konieczności do przyrodzonego prawa. „Dirty Dancing” i „Chirurdzy” dla aborcji
“PiS wants to put a visa scandal under the carpet”
“The government became paranoid during the pandemic.” We'll bill them for it!
Maintain the grain embargo from Ukraine! And grow  to another  products