Energy industry

Toruń — 25-27.08.2023 r. — Farewell to summertime  — Kayaking with Sleepover
The Baltic Sea sails with the wind of fun
Ireneusz Zyska: Never in the past  of Poland have there been specified  immense  investment expenditures addressed to local government
Harassing the consumer with telephones is an aggressive marketplace  practice. UOKiK imposed a severe penalty
TCTF (Tymczasowe Ramy Kryzysowe) w Polsce – ekstra pomoc publiczna dla sektora zerowej emisji
Holiday renovations in schools
Freezing electricity prices — the government raised the limits!
Komisja Europejska przedłuża możliwość udzielania niektórym portom lotniczym operacyjnej pomocy publicznej
EcoFlow RIVER 2 Max dla specjalisty w plenerze i dla wszystkich w domu. Ta stacja zasilania, potrafi naprawdę sporo
The government adopted an amendment to the Act on the Protection of Electricity Consumers in 2023
What is simply a recuperator and how does it work?
Nuclear or gas power to guarantee  the flexibility of the energy system?
How to get  connection conditions and study  energy storage?
“The Graveyard of Empires: The Most crucial  Investments erstwhile   the planet  Order Fall”
Polski łańcuch dostaw dla morskich wiatraków zrywa się na plaży
Installation of air conditioning - price 2023 for a home  and an apartment
Let's talk about Jaworzno: halt  the photovoltaic farm in Ciężkowice — residents very determined
Funding for pellet furnace 2023
DOMEKT series recuperators for large houses. fresh  from Komfovent!
Kite turbine. A amazing  thought  for the production of energy from wind
Entrepreneurs invest in energy stores. How will the marketplace  react?
Egotistical phrase
The largest heat pump in Europe will be built in Germany!
New energy retention  from Panasonic. What does EVERVOLT offer?
ERO has reported the average energy price for the first 4th   of 2023
Vantubo Aspira Ecocomfort RF — is it worth it? Opinion
The modern life of Robinson Crusoe — or how you can live with minimal connection to the “classic grid”
How much does it cost to charge an electrical  car   in 2023?
Microbio-gas plants self-sustaining solution for livestock farms.
The tallest building in Poznań is growing. You can already see the facade [PHOTOS]
The building of the common area  in Przeczy after renovation
Produkcja węgla w UE. Polska i Niemcy dystansują resztę państw
Untapped possible  of energy communities
Furnace replacement - by when? Find out the deadlines!
Subsidy for solar panels 2023
Recuperator for an flat  in a block of apartments. Which 1  will work best?
Niezależny prąd na budowie i podczas remontu, czyli Off-grid z urządzeniami od EcoFlow
​Komisja Europejska dała państwom członkowskim większe możliwości udzielania pomocy publicznej​
Facts, not myths, or why you should go with the wind
PAWEŁ LACHMAN: We will be the leader in the production of heat pumps in east  Europe. It is possible that and across the continent
Lubartów bliżej tytułu Rowerowej Stolicy Polski
Krakow – 13.07.2023 – training: Revitalization of a tenement home  – what can go wrong? - Anna Kofel
Diecezja płocka producentem energii. Powstała farma fotowoltaiczna
Paliwo w wakacyjnej promocji. Wyjazdy mają być tańsze niż przed rokiem
PGE: Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny odmówił wstrzymania wykonania postanowienia ws. Turowa
The Art of retention  — IBM FlashSystem 5200 arrays for tiny  and medium-sized businesses
Co-financing for energy-intensive enterprises – another edition of the program!
Co-financing for furnace replacement 2023 – list of grants
Co-financing for air conditioning 2023 — List of surcharges
High Temperature Heat Pump — Cost and Operation