
The Clean Air Programme Information run  is underway
We are at a critical moment. El Nino to turn up the thermostat
The first publically  accessible hydrogen station opened in Warsaw
Moon dust could slow temperature emergence  on Earth
Voivode of Opole on the situation on the Gliwice Canal
Not only Poles have a problem with ticks. In Canada, they are considering shooting off elk
Annual CO2 emissions by country (Global Carbon Budget)
Oil drilling at the mouth of the Amazon. The effects can be fatal
The windmills will feed Norwegian oil rigs. Eosciema?
Polacy protestują przeciwko farmie z fotowoltaiką. „Wolimy otoczenie natury”
About the forest in the forest encasing — the next edition of the Green Management Forum
New store   on the map of Opole. They started on the internet, now they make dreams come true
Annual CO2 emissions from fossil sources (broken down by fuel)
Green work  counted from climate poisoning
Here is the capital of planet  smog. The government wants to steer the weather
“Heating prices will go up by respective  100  percent!”
Czesław's “terribly healthy” roses
Holy Cross monastery will uncover  Benedictine roots
Trees in planters arrived at the Main marketplace  Square
Kaczynski, make a deadly threat to Platform and Tusk...
Kaczynski, that is, a deadly threat to Platform and Tusk...
Mother and first patient 'sick with smog' appeal: 'Let us breathe'
300-letnie drzewo? Wycinamy! Lasy Państwowe posunęły się za daleko
Global Fossil Fuels and Electricity Consumption Surcharges (IEA)
Waste management before the next major change
6 years of anti-smog resolution in Silesia. inactive  smoked half a million cinderella
How to build an energy strategy   without fossil fuels? Check in the simulator!
PKO Bank Polski payment cards are greener — 70% are recycled plastic
Zasady zrównoważonego rozwoju w kontekście polityki przestrzennej
Global Mean Methane Concentration in fresh   Decades (NOAA)
Cheaper electricity and predictability. What are energy cooperatives and why is it worth creating them?
“One hurricane is adequate  to turn a life upside down.” The end of peace in the Atlantic
Seabed exploitation has yet to wait
Sea level emergence  in selected localities in Poland (IMGW-PIB)
Polish rivers are sewage. “As in a 3rd  planet  country”
Iraq could go down Syria's bloody path. Drought raises cultural tensions
Sąd administracyjny zdecydował o zawieszeniu postępowania w sprawie kopalni Turów
Sokólski region  raised funds for the renovation of the thread moving  from Nietupa to Kruszynian
The 30th edition of the Green to Life Fair has started [PHOTOS]
Dismantling of the bridge over the Oder in Opole in the last phase. What about the footbridge over Młynówka?
They invested in RES and pay 4 times less. A drone with a thermal imaging camera checked for heat loss
Controversial amendment. Do you live on a deposit? The minister will frost  your area [MAP]
Sea level emergence  since 1993 based on satellite data (University of Colorado)
Climate Eco-workshop in Primary School No2 in Goldap was created
Polskie rzeki jak rynsztoki. Poziom zanieczyszczenia nie pozostawia złudzeń
They tried to subdue the laws of nature. “We choked and starved!”
Our technology may never again let  ecological disasters in Polish rivers — Katarzyna Geiger (H+H Labs PSA)
“Cinderuches” will not return to Krakow. The thought  of the resident of Wieliczka is lost with the cretes
Change in average temperature in Poland since mid-20th century (IMGW)
Zumba, animations, performance  and quite a few wellness  on MTP [Photos]