
The HiT test in a advanced  school in Poznań is simply a scandal. This is how they brainwash children
Korepetycje klasyczne a korepetycje zdalne – porównanie
Parents embarrassed by gifts for Boy's Day. "It's better that he gets nothing!"
"Don't ask the priest about the buttons." Negative points on behaviour  in school - absurd list of offenses
Zobacz, jak wyglądają studia na Fotografii w Collegium Da Vinci | Reportaż
Zobacz, jak wyglądają studia na Fotografii w Collegium Da Vinci | Studio
Zobacz, jak wyglądają studia na Fotografii w Collegium Da Vinci | Plener
Cinderella or Cinderella? "Tales updated" should be read by all  girl(k)a
Bezdomni studenci Erasmusa. Także Polacy
Powrót na uczelnię z Plusem. Operator przygotował coś specjalnego nie tylko dla studentów
AlfaNEXUS wraca do Wrocławia. Przedsiębiorcy, naukowcy i eksperci spotkają się już 13 października
A schoolgirl asked out of the canteen, she was not allowed to eat lunch. An absurd reason
"Someone has to take work   for this." A teacher, father of three, is suing Poland for distant    lessons
Author of the text quoted in the mock exam: "I have no thought  how to answer these questions. Seriously"
Platforma e-learningowa E-LEA | Collegium Da Vinci
Experiments on monkeys at Musk's company. The dispute is gaining momentum
It improves concentration and can aid  students. It is forbidden in Polish school
She got homework in religion, parents called the police. But in the bathtub???
"We can not afford". Does the school gotta supply  drinking water to children?
Not all  parent is entitled to a kid  taxation  relief in PIT for 2022. Who cannot deduct it?
I would like to be an adult, but my parent  holds me. How does a kid  of overprotective parents feel?
Potassium iodide distributed in schools? "We'll have 6 hours after the alarm goes off"
No more conventional  housework? superb  thought  of a Wrocław simple  school, what to replace them with
There were 13 readings, now there are as many as 40. These changes in the fresh  Polish matura exam terrify students
My husband took care of the home  and children, I took care of earning. Mother-in-law's words are like a slap
Duolingo wprowadza "Centrum Adopcyjne", aby zachęcić do wspólnej nauki języków obcych
They don't stay in the pool for long. She overheard the conversation of the lifeguards and signed the children out of swimming lessons
Jesteśmy tu dla ciebie! Premiera spotu wizerunkowego Uczelni Łazarskiego
Filmy i informacje o FOMO
I will not teach children to respect   their elders, and neither should you. I'll tell you why
Interesujesz się nanotechnologią? Weź udział w konferencji InterNanoPoland
"She's got a hold of me." This is how you will aid  a kid  who has a problem in relations with the teacher
Podcast "Dylematy mamy i taty", odc. 5: Czy kumplować się z nastolatkiem?
Opracowaliśmy model pracy szkoły, w której są uczniowie-migranci
20 pillow questions, or what to ask your kid  before bedtime
A conspiracy of silence among parents. It's people like you that keep my kids home again
MEiN makes 13-year-olds answer questions about sex. The scandal around the school survey
This entry shows the sad fact  about Polish education. Teacher: "We're killing these kids"
Absurd situation from religion   class. This exposes the sad fact  about the treatment of non-believing children
You number  school horror trips in thousands. We checked how much schools want for them this term
Another absurdity in schools. "Dark Hours" pissed off teachers, disappointed parents
17 tweets that prove that the start of the school year can be confusing
"This is simply a scandal and a failure  of dignity!" Can a teacher   halt  a kid  from going to the restroom?
A abrupt  change in the government's decision on passing education. There is simply a message
Studenci krakowskiej AGH stworzyli pionierską turbinę wiatrową z trzema generatorami
Tremble, children! Czarnek has a government version of TikTok for PLN 29 million (and you will watch it!)
O nauce prostymi słowami
Everyone has a favourite  teacher. The most beautiful, comic  and touching wishes for Teacher's Day
I never aid  my kid  with his homework. I have a good reason
Polska będzie miała swojego własnego TikToka. Pomysłodawcą jest Minister Edukacji