
Schools are phasing out the bells. There are those who don't like it
"I can't afford candles for my mother. My sister's words make me feel terrible"
Technologies only aid  if they support changes in teaching
Home education — what and how?
ChromeOS Flex kontra Windows 11 SE. Pojedynek prostych systemów dla słabszych komputerów
It came to light that teachers give better grades. Girls lead the way in this
The full   class got punished again? It's against the law!
Metaverse is simply a giant chance  for our region [podcast]
"We engage young people who are not afraid to ask questions." We talk to the ambassador of Solve for Tomorrow
YouTube ma już w Polsce 25 milionów dorosłych użytkowników, zaś 12 milionów ogląda miesięcznie YouTube na telewizorach
Uniwersytet Europejski
A amazing  twist on distant    learning. He threatened before, now he's begging
Jubileusz Uczelni Vistula
Konferencja w Wilnie "Uczyć się głębiej. Nowoczesne rozwiązania dydaktyczne".
She wrote that she hated fighting with her kid  over homework. And it began [YOUR OPINIONS]
Stałam się bardziej produktywna i kreatywna, kiedy skróciłam dzień pracy o połowę – Maria Nowak-Szabat (Agni Ajurweda)
Doradztwo dla JST – rozpoczynamy działania !
"This 'idiot' is typing in the e-journal at 12:12." A sincere letter from the teacher's husband
The government is unifying the visual identity of Polish ministries
A valuable skill that will stay with the kid  for life. Do you teach them?
He talks, draws, tells trivia. This educational toy is truly unique
Te alkohole powodują najgorszego kaca. Nie wszystko zależy od tego, ile wypiłeś
Zarobki nauczycieli w Polsce to dno. Są na samym końcu w Europie
Will I gotta pay for school? The authorities are already talking about it directly
Inauguracja Roku Akademickiego 2022/2023 w Collegium Da Vinci
Aren't you taking besides   much? These 4 things are worth allowing a teenager to do
The teacher   on Tik Tok conquers the hearts of students. Would you like to have specified  an English teacher   too!
Crowdfundingowe wpadki. Jak ich uniknąć?
"Polish school like psychiatric infirmary  wards". Strong words from the teacher
People, money and knowing  are missing. "It's my 16th Teacher's Day, most likely the last one"
Bruises on the child's face, on the stomach. "If you tell about it at school, it will only get worse"
"Get dressed, teen slut, you're keeping the boys out of class"
Hundreds of children were waiting for specified  a place in schools. Silence is precious to them
Tabletki jodu w każdym fińskim domu. Puste półki w aptekach
An outrageous question from school made her parent  angry. "It's against the law"
Doctors urge  a drug that... doesn't work! Do you give it to your baby too?
Corona stworzyła lodówkę, którą można otworzyć tylko dzięki rozładowującego się telefona
Corona stworzyła lodówkę, którą można otworzyć tylko dzięki rozładowanego telefona
VR w nauczaniu w polskich szkołach? Tak! Na początek historia
Złotówka miesięcznie za Internet, Disney+ w prezencie i najlepsze 5G w Polsce — trudno przejść obojętnie
BIK kształci młodych – już przeszkolił 55 tys. studentów na ponad 100 uczelniach wyższych
Do you encourage action? This method is horribly hurting our children from an early age
Will vegan meals be mandatory on the school menu? Everything points to it
Zakończyło się szkolenie poświęcone historii regionalnej i rodzinnej
8 signs of actual  love
Notorious fainting during PE lessons. Teachers appeal for 1  thing
Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć, żeby przetrwać w akademiku
18 stories that show that the profession of a teacher   is not only hard   work, but besides  a sense of humor and dedication
This is how Polish schools prepare for the treadmill from the first grade. You leave, you become nobody
She wakes up and doesn't want to go to school. erstwhile   (and if) should you let your kid  stay home?