
O działalności naukowej na seminarium sieci LERU-CE7
Polish schools should act like Netflix. The teacher's arguments are eye-opening
The communicative   of an autistic girl who, after a hard  period at school, became a student at the age of 11
Demands the withdrawal of the Bible from schools. "It's porn!" he says and attaches evidence
Laptops for students secured from sale. How?
Even 5 lessons little  per week. Czarnek reveals what in return
PIE: Jedna trzecia studentów w Polsce nie kończy rozpoczętych studiów
This is what a kid  feels erstwhile   he gets an A. The students' answers are eye-opening
The Border defender  will have its own university
Who is to blame for teenage suicide and aggression? Czarnek talks about inscriptions on his forehead
The harassed teacher   could not stand it and beat the student. The shocking video has gone viral
There is no 1  to teach the children Latin. Why is it now a highly   sought-after profession?
Are they arguing and not curious  in children? Dorota Zawadzka talks about how teachers see parents
Informatyka – kierunek zapewniający dobrą pracę teraz i w przyszłości
This conviction  in Librus does not mean praise at all. The teacher   talks about the secret "code"
Drukarka laserowa to coś, czego potrzebowałem. Całe życie męczyłem się z tuszami [OPINIA]
10-lecie Microsoft 365. Więcej niż pakiet biurowy
Szkoła ma kształcić urzędnika i żołnierza? To się zmienia
Dziewczynki mogą wszystko, czyli "Klara buduje"
#CyberMagazyn: AI and education. "Using the benefits of technology, do not take shortcuts"
Podcast "Dylematy mamy i taty", odc. 3: Chwalić czy też krytykować – i jak? Rozmowa z psycholożką Małgorzatą Rymaszewską
Z cyklu trudne sprawy: dorosłość.
It may be difficult, but a kid  is not difficult. A therapist on what to do erstwhile   she doesn't perceive  to you
Więzienna szkoła bez szefa. Były rektor został prorektorem
Nauka jak tlen. Wizyta noblisty na UW
She showed how to soothe children's emotions. The jar experimentation  works better than "calm down"
At school they made fun of her breakfast. Dad took controversial steps in defence  of his daughter
They mean well, but they harm children. Don't make these parenting mistakes
Russia put the West to sleep. "Putin utilized  to war and invasion" [INTERVIEW]
Jak udostępnić Kalendarz Google?
Kształtowanie wizerunku instytucji na przykładzie uczelni wyższej
"Wrong, pal." Does the teacher   have the right to put an A on homework?
Żabka objęła patronatem jedną z klas licealnych
Will artificial intelligence revolutionize language learning? A fresh  tool from Microsoft
A co jeżeli Twoje dziecko porzuca kolejną pasję…
The teacher   has an crucial  appeal to parents: this empty schoolroom  is simply a symbol
Who is to blame for the wave of beatings among teenagers? Czarnek knows and unfortunately says it out loud
I do not participate in recruitment to public schools. I have a valid reason
A 16-year-old boy from Włodawa bit his teacher   and broke his friend's leg. The police wash their hands
English for the small  ones. Effective learning with the fresh  Tutlo Kids platform
Co słychać u Lindy albo logika i życie
Archiwistyka i zarządzanie dokumentacją
Zarządzanie przez internet
"Uważaj na słowa" – kampania społeczna, która zwraca uwagę na trudną codzienność dzieci z Zespołem Tourette'a
They broadcast live how they insult the teacher. Teenagers from close  Malbork will be dealt with by the court
Talking to a kid  and bouncing off the wall? Thanks to this knowledge, you will scope   him more effectively
Pomysły na pierwszy dzień wiosny
An different  find from the school toilet "goes" to the school board. Who was watching the girls?
She showed a test in religion. The catechist wasn't impressed with the answer (and we were!)