
“A noticeable decrease.” There is simply a declaration by Tusk regarding changes in the wellness  insurance contribution
Poseł PiS o "klęsce rządu". Czarzasty: Zatkało mnie
"It was a 1000  days that shook the full   world". A minute of silence in the Sejm, the words of the Prime Minister
Chaff everywhere
There is simply a shortage of workers in Poland. How to solve this problem? rise  the retirement age?
Sikorski "has no illusions." "This is the most serious threat to the world."
Deputy Minister Files Notice, Prosecutor's Office to analyse   Sale of Rodent Control Preparations
W Sejmie scysja o Mercosur. "Morawiecki uczestniczył", "wystąpcie z EPL"
No more notifications. Ministry of Digital Affairs announces the date of implementation of e-Delivery
Szefernaker on the Sejm rostrum about the "government's failure" in terms of helping flood victims. Czarzasty: I was speechless
"Historyczny kandydat". Schetyna: To mu się po prostu należy
Bocheński: I hope I will be able to run due to the fact that I would like to become the president   of Poland
"Leftist ignorance wants to replace average  education with leftist whims"
Dekret Putina uderza w polską gospodarkę. Spadki na giełdzie
'Very disturbing' reports of attempted assassination attempt. Canadian politician targeted by Iran
Andrzej Duda z kolejną „wycieczką”. Tym razem jest w… Jordanii
Teraz aresztowania? Taka jest logika "domykania systemu"
Employee councils in Poland. Is it time for a stronger worker  voice in company management?