Izraelczycy gotowi na rozejm tylko pod warunkiem „swobody” ruchów w Libanie
Will the 800 plus benefit be halved? ZUS has announced which parents will receive only 400 plus
A large increase in the number of divorces in Poland
Czarnecki hung his election posters without permission. Bailiff's intervention
Bodnar: No more discretion in the operation of the Justice Fund
Mejza zrzeknie się immunitetu. Mówi o "stalinowskich zarzutach"
A immense decline in construction and assembly production
Wielkie zmiany w sądownictwie. Bodnar przedstawił "10 filarów"
The next gathering at Nowogrodzka Street. In PiS, everyone is waiting for Kaczyński's decision
Member of the National Broadcasting Council: "7:30 p.m." is much better than PiS's "Wiadomości", but there are inactive besides many government politicians