
Gospodarka Węgier dynamicznie hamuje – mówi się choćby o recesji
Explosive gift
Piskorski: Logical String
Borer: Information blockade as a form of violence
Three nails in the coffin crowning the suicidal rush of global totalitarianism
Bosak on the fresh  law on SN: This amendment is destructive, dangerous.
Protection of confidentiality of information submitted by tenderers
Protection of confidentiality of information presented by bidders
Jankovsky: Moscow does not believe war
Unconstitutional suspension of a driver's licence  for 3 months
Deferred suicide
"Lepiej mieć chaos w sądownictwie niż ruską okupację"
The government has developed the financial engineering of putting debt out of budget.
No request   to adjudicate
Who incited?
Michnik wciąż stoi przy Jaruzelskim i trwa ta sama walka
USB-C chargers for all your devices. Since when?
Golla: Friedrich Merz — the CDU's green-conservative “savior”