
Miksa: Do I admit   May 8 as triumph  day?
Szlęzak: Poland waiting for blows
Ukrainian farmers better than Polish farmers? — why Poles lose out on imports from Ukraine
Jankowski: Burdy at the cemetery on triumph  Day
Fogiel about the PiS convention: We will present any  elements of the program
Socialism — the most dangerous of civilizational diseases
Wild, or Poland...
Daily review of my thoughts. May 8, 2023
Ben White: Israeli Apartheid. Beginner's Guide
Russia: what chances of technological sovereignty?
Handle: In Mirmiłowo unchanged
ONLY WITH US. Will Sovereign Poland support the PiS task  on the Constitutional Tribunal?
Failure in the service of propaganda
The death punishment  should come back
One must regret roses, ESPECIALLY erstwhile   forests burn — review
In the west the vacation  of freedom in poland drama enslavement
Weekly press release, or a review of Tamara Olszewska's events (1 – 7 May 2023)
Piskorski: Strong and helpful