
Your ancestors are ashamed of you!
09/22/2023. Bad people, bad man
They accused the prime minister's sister a fictitious job. They were interviewed by police
SKANDAL! YOUTUBE usuwa zapis protestu wobec filmu Agnieszki Holland
Skarbówka wszczyna tysiące postępowań miesięcznie
The hazard  for Poland is great
Most work permits for foreigners... from outside Europe!
The interests of Poland and Ukraine are not the same
"My wiemy, ...
They bet on helping Ukraine at the expense of the Polish economy!
Holland with his premiere, Lukashenko with his. About Poland
Trade war with Ukraine! How did that happen?
„Tylko świnie siedzą w kinie”. Młodzież Wszechpolska o filmie Agnieszki Holland
Marcin Bogdan: Beatyfikacja Rodziny Ulmów lekcją nie tylko historii