Will Prime Minister D. Tusk's government correct the mistakes of its predecessors? [Nursing benefit and MOPS].
Zdjęcie: Świadczenie pielęgnacyjne i MOPS. Czy rząd premiera D. Tuska naprawi błędy poprzedników?
This is about the mistakes of the Law and Justice government and the erstwhile term's Sejm. They did not change the regulations on the supportive benefit as the Constitutional Court indicated in 2014. The current government has inherited the full situation and will decide by the end of January 2025 whether it will proceed the conduct of its predecessors or take pity on the disabled and their caregivers. By the end of January 2025, the Ministry of Finance should decide whether it will take the side of disabled people and caregivers and end the dispute between Sopot and the Pomeranian politician over PLN 2.5 million (the request to return the subsidy). This would change the conduct of all MOPS in the country, which are issuing serially incorrect decisions on nursing benefits.