The best theses on the past of cartography awarded again 6 days ago
Zdjęcie: Pod koniec zeszłego roku rozstrzygnięta została czwarta edycja konkursu o Nagrodę im. Stanisława Alexandrowicza za prace dyplomowe z zakresu historii kartografii. Organizatorem wydarzenia i fu

At the end of last year, the 4th edition of the competition for the Stanisław Alexandrowicz Award for diploma theses in the field of the past of cartography was decided. The event was organized and the award was funded by the past of Cartography squad at the Institute of the past of discipline of the Polish Academy of Sciences named after L. and A. Birkenmajer. The competition is addressed to graduates of first and second cycle studies, and its aim is to advance investigation on old cartography and encourage students to take up issues from ...
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