Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Affairs [Krzysztof Gawkowski] (applewebdata: //b2624f0a-7353-415e-9a68-6537330cea49/w%20near%CC%87szych%20weekniach%20May%CC%A 8% 20appearac%CC% 81% 20sie%CC%A 8% 20Pro%CC%81by%20paralyzing %CC%87of critical infrastructure.% 20% E 2% 80% 9eJudging %CC% 87% 20to%20we know, %20us%20s%C 5% 82uz%CC%87by%20to%20discover%C 5% 82y.% 20Ministry of Digitation%20i%20s%C 5% 82u%CC%87by%20Subordinated C 5% 82e%20Dzia%C 5% 82aja%cc%A 8.% 20 (%E 2% 80% A6) %20to%20not%20sa%CC%A 8% 20z%CC%87Arty%E 2% 80% 9D) repeatedly indicated in public speeches that we are in a situation “[cyber cold war] ( with Russia.” He cited data from fresh years, which show a clear [increase in the number of incidents] ( in 2022 there were 40 thousand, in the last 80 1000 and in the current 1 there should be even more.