Putin's angry hawk

infosecurity24.pl 2 years ago
One of the main initiators of the attack on Ukraine - apart from Sergei Shoigu, Gen. Valery Gerasimov and Dmitri Medvedev - is considered to be Secretary of the safety Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev. In an interview given to the Ukrainian portal gordon.ua, he is referred to as an “angry hawk” by retired Lt. Col. Vladimir Popov of the erstwhile 5th Division of the KGB (now surviving in Canada). Patrushev fits perfectly into the strategy of leadership and management in Russia that Putin created, based on the functionaries of the erstwhile KGB and the current FSB. prof. Mark Galeotti besides stated in an interview with the Moscow Times that Patrushev is simply a “hawk of all hawks” in politics. He has previously described him as “the most dangerous man in Russia” who drags Putin into increasingly utmost activities, and is himself a typical of the highly nationalist wing of Russia's safety apparatus.
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