Problems of the Confederation. The National Electoral Commission rejected the financial statements 18 hours ago
Zdjęcie: Problemy Konfederacji. PKW odrzuciła sprawozdanie finansowe / Agencja / Fot. Robert Kowalewski / Agencja

The National Electoral Commission rejected the financial statements of the Confederation Electoral Committee for the elections to the European Parliament that took place in 2024. The decision was made at a gathering on Monday, March 17, 2025. The study was not accepted, but the financial statements of another election committees were approved, KW Konfederacja Korony Polskiej, KKW PolExit Niepodległość, KW Normalny Kraj, KW Polska Liberalna Strajk Przedsiębiorców, KWW "Together for the Community" and KWW Głos Silny Polish.
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