Min. A. Bodnar before the CJEU: no of the judges appointed to the ultimate Court after 2018 meets the requirements of an independent and impartial court
Zdjęcie: Min. A. Bodnar przed TSUE: Żaden z sędziów powołanych do SN po 2018 roku nie spełnia wymogów niezawisłego i bezstronnego sądu Shutterstock
The Polish government wants the Court of Justice of the European Union to issue an opinion on the anticipation of transferring ultimate Court judges between chambers without their consent. On 8 January, the CJEU considered preliminary questions concerning the temporary transfer of ultimate Court judges to another chambers without their consent under Article 35 § 3 of the ultimate Court Act. The gathering was attended by, among others, Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar, who presented the government's position