Hezbollah with ban on communication devices: "We are preparing a retaliation".

cyberdefence24.pl 5 months ago
Last Tuesday, in Hezbollah bastion areas, [several 1000 pagers were detonated.](https://defence24.pl/polityka-obronna/osiem-osob-zginelo-2750-rannych-w-eksplozjach-pagerow-hezbollahu) On Wednesday - [hundreds of terrostatic Hezbollah members' walkie-talkies exploded. ](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/irans-guards-ban-communications-devices-after-strike-hezbollah-security-2024-09-23/)
It is widely said that **Israel is behind the coordinated attacks.** It is due to these events that the IRGC is calling on members of its grouping to **immediately halt utilizing any devices, utilized for communication.
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