Waloryzacja emerytur 2025: Co się zmienia i ile zyskają emeryci?
In March 2025, Polish pensioners and retirees will receive increased benefits. According to forecasts, the valuation index will be 5.82%, which means lower increases than in previous years. For comparison, in 2024, the valuation was 12.12%, and in 2023, it was as high as 14.8%.
The first increased benefits will be credited to pensioners’ accounts on March 3, 2025. What’s important is that the valuation happens automatically and does not require submitting any applications to the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS). Simply multiply the current gross amount by the index of 1.0582 to find out the new benefit amount.
Let’s take a closer look at specific examples. The lowest pension, which was PLN 1780.96 gross in 2024, will increase to PLN 1884.57 gross after the March valuation. For a pensioner receiving PLN 2500 gross, the new benefit will be PLN 2645.50 gross. With a pension of PLN 3500 gross, the increase will result in PLN 3703.70 gross. Pensioners with higher benefits, such as PLN 4500 gross, can expect an increase to PLN 4761.90 gross. Meanwhile, with a pension of PLN 6000 gross, the new amount will reach PLN 6349.20 gross.
It’s worth remembering that ZUS deducts 9% of the gross amount for health insurance premiums. Additionally, pensions are subject to taxation, with benefits not exceeding PLN 2500 per month being tax-free in 2025, according to the established tax-free amount.
The valuation applies not only to pensions but also to various other benefits paid by ZUS, including family pensions, disability pensions, social pensions, teacher compensation benefits, and care allowances for orphans.
This year’s valuation will be percentage-based, not amount-based, which means that people with higher benefits will gain the most. This is a change compared to previous years, when a guaranteed minimum increase amount was sometimes used.
The final valuation index will be officially announced in February 2025 by the Minister of Family, Labour, and Social Policy in a communication published in the Polish Monitor. Until then, the provided values are based on budget assumptions.
Experts emphasize that despite the lower valuation index than in previous years, it is still an important mechanism for protecting the real value of retirement and disability benefits against inflation. This is particularly important for people receiving the lowest benefits, for whom every increase has a significant impact on meeting basic living needs.
Key data:
* Valuation index: 5.82%
* Starting date: March 3, 2025
* Tax-free amount: PLN 2500 per month
* Deductions: 9% for health insurance premiums
* Application: Automatic, no application to ZUS required
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