EU money for planning: 1 condition met, little and little time to implement the second one 1 day ago
Zdjęcie: Aby do Polski popłynęły środki z Krajowego Planu Odbudowy i Zwiększania Odporności (KPO) na wdrożenie reformy planowania przestrzennego, konieczne jest spełnienie kilku warunków. Jednym z

In order for funds from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (KPO) to flow to Poland for the implementation of spatial planning reform, respective conditions must be met. 1 of them was for at least 50% of municipalities to start work on developing a general plan by the end of 2024. Let us callback that under the A1.3.1 investment financed from KPO funds, municipalities can apply for support for the improvement of plans in accordance with the amended Spatial Planning and improvement Act ...
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