Drones, cameras, champagne, and he...? This showed the top absurdity of Kaczmarczyk's statement
Zdjęcie: O hucznym weselu Norberta Kaczmarczyka z Solidarnej Polski wciąż jest głośno Fot. Beata Zawadzka / East News
Norbert Kaczmarczyk claims that the tractor for PLN 1.5 million is not a wedding gift, due to the fact that it remains the property of his brother. Meanwhile, the video published by the dealer was entitled "A tractor for a deputy minister as a wedding gift from a brother". The salon worker besides talks about a "wedding present". So what is going on? On the recording, an worker of the dealership company says: "The minister's brother, Mr. Konrad, wanted to give Mr. Norbert Kaczmarczyk, Deputy Minister, a tractor for a wedding gift." The politician of Solidarity Poland is of a different opinion - he claims that the owner of the tractor is his brother. In a message issued on Thursday, he besides announced , is simply a public figure, so he could not "ban anyone from recording." In a message issued on Thursday, Norbert Kaczmarczyk believes that he has been the victim of a political attack. He besides talks about Tusk, Balcerowicz, Odra and the celebrated octopuses from the times of PO-PSL. This is the biggest absurdity in Kaczmarczyk's statement. We re-analyzed the message of the Deputy Minister of Agriculture regarding the "gift" for PLN 1.5 million. We juxtaposed the translations of the Solidarna Polska politician with a movie (or alternatively an advertising clip) that appeared on YouTube on the channel of the dealer selling agricultural tractors Jaohn Deere. The video of the handover of the tractor, which became promotional material for the dealer, was entitled "A tractor for a deputy minister as a wedding present from his brother". What's more, an worker who talks about how this "unusual situation in the company" happened besides talks about a "wedding gift" from the deputy minister's brother. The employees of the company not only handed the deputy minister and his wife the keys to the tractor, but besides wished them. "We wanted to make the best wishes, celebrate the event by handing over these keys to this tractor and this symbolic toy (also a tractor - ed.) for the future. God bless the young couple" - we hear on the recording. Another worker of the company adds: "We want you trouble-free work and the highest yields." We besides see a priest who consecrates the vehicle and the groom who "baptizes" the tractor with champagne before enthusiastically jumping behind the wheel. Tractor Advertising Minister? The Onet portal asked about the case in the ministry. This was the future answer: "The Ministry of Agriculture and agrarian improvement does not mention to events from the private lives of members of its management." The hotel avoids answering hard questions, and watching the video from the minute of handing over the tractor, 1 can get the impression that Kaczmarczyk was advertising the company. In the local portal "Kurier Tarnowski", the politician's brother argues that it was officially a gift, but the tractor is not owned by Norbert Kaczmarczyk. He besides adds that there is nothing incorrect with the movie itself. Let us add that in the past, the deputy minister of agriculture published photos and videos of tractors of this peculiar brand. Here are just 2 examples. At the end of July, Zbigniew Ziobro himself got behind the wheel of JD at Kaczmarczyk's farm in Proszowice close Kraków. He was accompanied in the compartment by the deputy minister. In turn, at the beginning of July, Norbert Kaczmarczyk posted on Twitter the announcement of a gathering of Solidarna Polska politicians with farmers in Biłgoraj. A large part of the video clip was footage of... a John Deere tractor.