Defence24 DAY: How will Russia respond to NATO's strengthening and transformation? 1 year ago
**The panel led by Resting-State Lt. Gen. Andrzej Fałkowski discussed the prospects for recreating Russia's military potential, the influence of imperial ideology on the attitude of the Kremlin and average Russians, as well as the challenges that the West may face erstwhile confronting the Russian Federation. Is the Russian “bear” already lying “on the boards”, or are we succumbing to optimistic illusions? These questions were answered by: William Alberque (Director of Strategy, Technology and Arms Control at the global Institute for strategical Studies), Jarosław Cyslak (, Maj. Gen. Leon Komornicki, Col. Dr. Robert Reczkowski (Deputy Director, Head of Concept improvement and usage Division) and Andrzej Wilk (Centre for east Studies) . **
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