Czabański: During the regulation of PO, public media became a comic instrument of power [INTERVIEW] 8 years ago
Zdjęcie: Przewodniczący Rady Mediów Narodowych Krzysztof Czabański Źródło: PAP / Marcin Obara

– The last six or 7 years have been the years of destroying public media, which have become a ridiculous instrument of power. delight remember the chocolate eagle, pink balloons and the fraternization in front of the astonished audience between people in power and heads of various crucial media, specified as the notorious Mrs. Jethon, or people from private media, specified as Jarosław Kurski, who fraternized at rallies with president Komorowski and that they are a model of objectivity, says Krzysztof Czabański, president of the National Media Council, in an interview for
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