Andrzej Duda committed a crime? There will be a motion to the prosecutor's office 1 day ago
Zdjęcie: Spór o działania prezydenta. Zespół ds. rozliczeń PiS składa zawiadomienie do prokuratury / shutterstock

The PiS Settlement squad announced that it had filed a announcement to the prosecutor's office against president Andrzej Duda. The motion concerns 2 cases: Failure to take the oath of office from 3 Constitutional Tribunal judges appointed in 2015. Signing the amendment to the Act on the National Council of the Judiciary in 2017, which the squad considers to be inconsistent with the Constitution. KO MP Piotr Głowski emphasized that the president's actions may fall under Article 231 of the Penal Code, concerning abuse of power by a public official. The punishment for this act is up to 10 years in prison.
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