18th version of the KSC amendment. Will Poland not manage to implement NIS2?

cyberdefence24.pl 1 month ago
On Monday, during a press conference at the [Ministry of Digital Affairs](https://www.gov.pl/web/cyfryzacja/kluczowe-zmiany-dla-ochrony-polskiej-infrastruktury-przed-cyberatakami), the **18th version of the amendment to the Act on the National Cybersecurity strategy (KSC)** was announced. There is no request to remind anyone or convince anyone of how crucial this task is and that the full manufacture is waiting for it. Its fast implementation was 1 of the [priorities of the current ministry](https://cyberdefence24.pl/polityka-i-prawo/krajowy-system-certyfikacja-cyberbezpieczenstwa-znamy-zalozenia), after the predecessors failed to do so.
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